Wednesday, January 7, 2009


2009 - it’s the beginning of a new year and of course - new year’s resolutions.

I happen to be one of those people that makes a list of 10 or 15 things I ‘resolve’ to do differently in the new year. Of course, by the end of January I usually find that since I can’t seem to keep them all, what's the point in keeping any?

This seems to be the new mindset. While searching through articles on the subject, most of the entries were the same:

What’s the easiest way to keep your resolution this year?
Don’t make one at all -- Why bother making resolutions when in the end they'll end in guilt and frustration?

So is it really time to give up on resolutions all together?

The other day at the meeting house, an interesting quote was addressed:

“ When we look on the world and declare it a mess, we have only ourselves to blame. We humans have created the problems that threaten our existence. The hope we have is that if we made the choices that got us into this situation then we can set a new course, make new choices and turn this all around. Of course, this requires that our new choices are truly better choices and that we stick with those choices with the same fervor and consistency as those who got us into this mess.” - Kim Francis

I guess we could stop making new year's resolutions - but really - the beginning of a new year might be the perfect time to start making truly better choices. Throw in a little fervor and consistency and maybe the choices will stick!

As for me - here's to hoping that I reach January 31st without falling off the wagon.

P.S. I found a link that gives some pretty good ideas on how to make new habits last...hope they help!